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Страница 1: ...OPERATORS MANUAL Dynamometer Models Model 2OO Model 375 NEB 2OO NEB 4OO NEB 600 NEB 8OO ...


Страница 3: ... INC DOES NCT GR ANT A dY WARR ANTIES EIT IER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING IMFI IED WARRANTItrS OF MERCHANTAFITITY CR FIThTESS FCR USE The obligations or liabilities of AW Dynamometer Inc specifieally shall not be liable for damages AW Dynamometer Ine speeifieally shall not be liable for re instailing any produet or part thereof repaired or replaeed under the limited warranty set out above AW Dy...

Страница 4: ...ailment or loss of hearing Wear ffi suitable hearing protective device such as ear muffs or ear plqs to protect against G objectionable or uncomfortable loud noises Caution Water and electrictty are lethal Anf spillage or ieakage of water from the cooling system or dynamometer does create ahazardous condition to the operator Any exposure of water leakage in the test area must be corrected before a...

Страница 5: ... 6 B T U per horsepower Let s say we are testing a 100 H p tractor on a dynamometer 100 H P X 42 6 4260 B T U per minute of eooling If we are to load test t hour we have a totalquantityofheat of 4260 B TU minuteX60 255 600B T u perhour Thisisequaito a furnace roughly heating 2 Yzhouses with the thennostat eompletely u on high for one hour trt is this heat whish must be removed from the dynamometer...

Страница 6: ...ji Effiqg EEgHH f dEEZ HS6HF iHFIH fiiiEHE fiF Hstg gHHsF do14F E HhHg i tBESg 9FgOH fS gf i BHqEF Hg iJ 1t lS F ptE8 ggFx 9HHhH EhEHfi x E n E x F e f E t d 3g H ath E 9l il H 6 4 H t dE t i i 1 3 a F g at sa ffiJ3 ffiffiffi rti rs ts H F fi g e flH 4 C IH A P dil 9aBEFH HNFilg il FS3S H8f HgF v g 4 g 14 x H fi H 6 ...

Страница 7: ...25 30 35 40 45 500 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 4B 54 600 a 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 700 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 900 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 900 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 t000 13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 1 100 17 34 51 6B 85 142 119 136 153 Horsepower 100 204 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 60 F Exawple water requires 7 gpm to test 100 H p Gravity feed systems are not recommended due io fo pressure creati...

Страница 8: ...SECTION 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION L Horsepower ComPuter 2 Load Control Valve 3 Water TemPerature Guage 4 Dead Weight Test Ban 5 FTO Shaft 6 Therrnal Fuse 7 Water Level Check o ...

Страница 9: ...1 21005 Computer 3 Waten Ternperatl rre Gauge 2 toad Control Valve 5 PTG Shaft see diagram 0n page G ...

Страница 10: ...6 Thermal Fuse 7 Water Check Valve ...

Страница 11: ... 540 RPM I 3 8 21 Tooth 1000 RpM I 314 20 Tooth 1000 RpM 2 Placetransmission shift lever in park or Neutral Block tractor s rear wheels for added safety when on slopes or uneven ground 3 Attach power shaft to tractor pTO Alisn power shaft so that angles of the universal parts are straight as possible and on parallel plains 4 Push dynamometer forward until power shaft is at minimum length then puil...

Страница 12: ... sure the water outlet is larger than or equal to the ineoming wator supply This will eliminate any unnecessary baek pressure inside the tank that would reduee water seal life 10 Turn on the water supply to fillthe dynamometer In cases of close loop systems the end user must check the water level test valve before operating the dynamometer NOTE For non ciosed loop systems the end user must make su...

Страница 13: turn counterclockwise 12 starttractor and allow it to reach normal operating temperature 13 When the tractor is at proper operating temperature engage the tractor pTo and advance speed control level to maximum RpM Ij To begin the dyno test close thc main bypass valve on the bottom of the manual control ilow valve tt ...

Страница 14: ...ual flow eontrol valve If an emergeney oeeurs during the test the main bypass valve ean be opened to relieve ali hyclraulie pressure within the brake system ffiffiHffiffiffi 17 TfOReUtr RISE In orcler to find peak torque the end user will seteet the torque set Lrutton on the 2100s Alf RATED RpVn onee the torque set button has been seleeted the torque value on the 2100s soreen will display 100 The ...

Страница 15: ...400 NEB 600 and the NEB 800 Ag PTo Dynamometers must be inspected eveqi25 hours to determine the condition of the oil Normal coloration of the 405 Synthetic Oil should be a honey brown color with transparency 1 Drain the water from the bottom base tank until the water level is below the brake drum 2 Remove reservoir lid usine two 3 q wrenchs I3 ...

Страница 16: ...ey brown color then the fluid is satisfactory and does not need to be drzined or replaced If the 405 oil is black due to overheating of the drums eaused by lack of water or exceeding the torque limitation then fol1ow procedure 6 below To drain aii of the 405 oil rotate the drums until the O ring holes are on bottom at the 6 o clock position Continue to drain for 5 10 minutes Rotate the loacl unit ...

Страница 17: ...ely dirty or dark asecond flushing is recommende6 Dark oil indioates extreme heat due to laek of water or passing the torque limitation on the dyno 15 If the oil appears transparent and has a honey brown color it is suecessful and you can eontinue the draining of the brake drum 5 10 minutes Replenish each individual brake drum with 6 8 ounces of new Rml405 Fasten o ring hole snug tight 16 Replaee ...

Страница 18: ...aturely Reinstall flange onto roservoir and use a silieone sealei around the new flange gasket Use thread sealing compound on bolt threads If the thcrmal fusc has blown it is a necessity to inspeet sorvice the dynamometer s load unit see Inspeetiorvservicing Brake Drum Unit section 6 fi cAurIoN _ lo6o6 sueh Do not substitute thermal fuse with any device other than recommended fuse No a substitutio...

Страница 19: ... Possible Cause 2 Will Not Load A Low on hydraulic oil B Thermal fuse release C Hydraulic pressure shut off valve closed D Damaged hydraulic line E Defective chain or sprocket F Hydraulic directional valve in wrons position G Defective hydraulic pump Possible Remedv A Fill to proper level with 10 weieht hydraulic oil Replace thermal fuse Section 13 Refer to Section 4 Open hydraulic valve Replace h...

Страница 20: B Remove force and re balance torque metet C Calibrato torque meter with properly known weights see Section 118 D Refer to tractor manual for correet sPocification E Reduce to OEM sPeeification Possible Cause 6 Erratic ioading loads and unloads A Operator making rapid load valve adjustments B Low on hYdraulic oil C Defeetive chain and sProcket D Defective power absorption module E Incorrect ope...

Страница 21: ...g Requirements Shorten the distance to the final drain Possible Cqase 10 Smoke or Vapor A Internal problems with power absorption module Possible Remedy A Stop test immediately and determine cause Refer to Seetion 13 on Inspection Maintenance Continued running in this mode denotes a problem To continue with this problem can result in severe damage to the equipment as well as personal injury If unq...

Страница 22: ...nq viton Brake Piston I 4 10168 Piston O Rino Backuo 10 10104 Brake Shoe 1 l Z 10140 Bearino tz 1 90901 112 2A O Flinq Stainless Steel Pluq IJ z 10185 O Rinq Collar Housino 14 8 21040i5 114 20 x 3 4 Sockethead eaoscrew to o 21 061 5 3 8 16 x 1 Sockethead Caoscrew t 4 1 01 05 Brake Piston 2 114 18 z 10186 O Rinq Viton Collar Housino 20 Z 700050 Viton Oil Seal 21 700006 Rear Water Oil Seal Sleeve 22...

Страница 23: ...8 Piston O Ring Backup to z 10140 Eselqg ll 881 900 Cylinder Block Assy 20T Fr ont 18 z 90901 112 20 O Ring ptug lstaintess Steet 20 A 10185 O Ring Collar Housins 21 16 210405 1 4 20 x 3 4 Sockethead Capscrernr 1Z z 1 0548 O Rinq Vilon HvcJrarriin C 23 1 1 0706 Hydraulic Oil Connector 24 1 700055 Splined Connector 2oTr 26 i 740026 O Rinq Viton 28 4 700026 O Rinq Viton 29 to 21 061 5 3 8 16 x 1 Soc...

Страница 24: ...68 Piston O Rinq Backup to 2 10140 Bearing 10 90901 112 20 O 1 Binq Pluq istainless Steel 21 10185 O Rinq Collar Housinq 22 24 21 8405 1 4 20 x 314 Sockeihead Sci ew 23 4 1 0548 O Rinq Viton Hvdraulic Connector u z 10706 Hvdraulib Oit Connector 25 1 881900 Cvlincler Block Assv 20 T Front zo 24 21 961 5 318 16 x 1 Sockethead Capscrew 27 a 1 0708 Brake Rotor Connector Lid Pilot 2B 10196 O l Rin i Vi...

Страница 25: Brake Piston II to 1 0168 Piston O Ring Backup 18 z 10140 Bearing IY n 90901 1Q 20 O Ring Ptug Staintess Steet zl B 10 185 O Ring Collar Housinq 22 32 21A405 1 4 2A x 3 4 Sockethead Screw z5 1 0548 Q Fing Viton Hydraulic Connector 24 J 70005s Hydraulic Oil Connector 25 1 88 1900 Cylinder Block Assy 20 T Front 26 jz 4ruot3 Q 8 16 x 1 Sockethead Capscrew 27 1 0709 Intermediate Bearings 8 u 10186...

Страница 26: ...4 Nut 31D 940200 Bottorn Tank BC 9401 00 Tank AssV 32 1 01 098 Shield BD 940200 Tank Assy JJ 1 9091 7 PTO Rest 20527 Clamp 34 1 10744 Extension 10 101 004 lJose 35 1 10v71 Caster Assembly i1 1 01 061 Breather Vent 36 1 1 0280 Brace 10737 Oil Reservoir 200 37 1 10740 2D Oil Reservoir 375 3B 1 1 0760 Test Bar 4 1 01 030 Drain Hose 39D 1 881 630 Rioht Hand Sheet Metal Cover 8816 10 Dog House Assembly...

Страница 27: ...0804 33 2 1 0906 Washer 8C 8 210804 34 2 0903 quter Bearins 9A 1 940450 35 2 0902 Wheel Hub 9B 1 940550 JO 2 0904 lnner Bearinq 9C 1 940650 37 2 0909 Seal 10A 4 20527 Hose Clamo Hose ClamD H et mp l 1 2 Foimed lRlet t Jose 1 1 2 Formed lnlet Hose 3BA 1 940400 Lower Tank Neb 200 108 4 20527 388 1 940600 Lower Tank Neb 400 10c 4 20528 38C 1 940800 LowerTank Neb 600 2 240110 39 2 1 0861 Brake Block t...

Страница 28: ... 1 01 061 Oil BreatherVent 11 1 1 0555 Oil Reservoir Assemblv 12 1 881 61 1 Doq House 13 2 10775 7 Hitch Pin 14 z 1 0755 3 8 x 1 314 Clevis Pin tc 1 10157 Jack Stand Assy to 4 1091 1 Flexible Bellows 47 lt 101024 Tee Bolt Hose Glamps 1 8 1 940800 Lower Tank z 1 0861 Brake Block 1 880900 Ac Shield LI 1 9091 7 PTO Rest 1a 1 1 trl trot Tongue 23 880500 easter Wheel Assv 24 1 14764 Master Torque Test ...

Страница 29: ... label I 8B 084 Warranty Decal 10 BBl 081 Oentralizer Bearing 11 BB 075 Outer CE Guard la 881 074 tnner CE Guard BB1 OB3 Certification label 14 8B 082 Salety Sign BB1 062 Yoke Tube Assy lfi 881 099 Grease Fittings 17 8B 060 Shear Pin Yoke Assy 881 082 1 375 6 B Complere Front Half Assy CE B 881 083 f irys 21 Complete Front Half Assy CE D 881084 1 750 20 Complete Front Half Assy CE 881085 Dvnamomet...

Страница 30: ...3 Outer Guard Rotate 8 881 029 Inner Guard Rotate o 881 048 Safety Sign 10 881 062 Yoke Tube Assv 11 881 099 Grease Fittinq 12 881 060 Shear Pin Yoke Assv 13 881072 Bronze Pilot Bushinq A 881 032 1 375 6 B Complele Front Half Assy B 881 034 1 375 21 Oomplete Front Half Assy ri 881 036 1 750 20 Complete Front Flalf Assv D 881 030 Dvnamometer Rear Half AssV 881 031 Dvr ramomeler Rear Haif w1 1 2 Ext...

Страница 31: ...2 300409 1 4 N PT Brass Nipole t 300720 3 8 NPT 1 4 NpT Adapter Bushins 1A 9091 6 O Ring Control Valve Stem t3 20623 Control Valve Stem 16 20622 Load Control Knob 17 950805 Load Control Valve Bodv lal 300705 1 4 NPT i Bl NpT Aqaprer Bushing IJ 300625 1 4 Nylon Compression Nut 2A 300620 1 4 Nylsn Cor npression Sleeve zl 30021 5 1 8 NPT Male 1 4 Nyton Elbow 11 1 51 530 318 Light WattTVbing ZJ 950803...

Страница 32: ...pacer 7 88031 5 21 2 OD x2 3116 x 060 Soacer I 880315 2112 AD x 2 3 16 x 060 Sbacer 881 500 Shear Pin Flanqe Assv i0 10092 Shear Pin Bushinq 11 210617 318 16 x 1 3 4 Socket Head Capscrew 1009 3 PTO Retainer Washer e 10138 Snap Ring 1 44 21 061 J Shear Pin Bolt for 200 NEB 200 NEB 230 148 210612 Shear Pin Bolt or 375 NEB 400 NEB 460 l nr 21 06J3 Shear Pin Bolt or hlEB 600 N FB 69O lo ryl l fl ttl J...

Страница 33: ...0100 2 1 4 input bearing 21 081 0 112 13 x21l4 SS Hex Head Caoscrew mic Input Bearing Dyna mic l nput Bearin g Z gl16t curreni model uses 70 1 00 Cradle Bearing Tiunion Mount Snap Ring NOT REQUTRED ON MODELS 28A 3V5 INPUT SHAFT FRONT CRADLE ASSEMBLY I t lfi t il NI I l l d 11 t1 I F ll tl l tl It tl ti ll l I tl l 31 ...

Страница 34: ...10127 Flanole Gasket 2 700002 Viton Water Seal 10129 Rear Torque Shaft Bushing A 700009 Rear Seal Hous ing o 24421 Snap Ring 6 24417 Rear Cradle Bearing 7 880200 Rear Cradle Mount Assv 8 886000 20 T Torque Arm Assy 1 01 040 Torque Arm Rail IU 20422 Snap Ring 1 1 1 01 033 Spacer iTlzrough 11 Nat Required for Model 204 and SVS 32 ...

Страница 35: ... ROTATING DRIVELINE IMPORTAI T ATTACII DRAII HOSE USE S A E 10 WEIGHT HYDRAULIC OIL SECTION 11 DIRECT FLYWHEEL TESTING 8 N NLTE Under no circumstances are the unbalanced agricultural drive shafts to be operated at Y El lD speeds over 1500 RPM A balanced high speed driveline and shield musi be used when exceeiling 1500 RpM part 883900 high speed drive line w shield Not recommended for Model 200 or ...

Страница 36: ......
