The magnet assembly is supplied with an adjustable
fastener and sufficient band material to accommo date
shafts ranging in diameter from 2 inches to 9 inches. For
smaller diameter shafts, a hose clamp (not included) with
a 0.5 inch wide band may be used. For larger diameter
shafts, longer lengths of band material are available from
the factory.
The Model M185 Unipulser is a single pulse per
revolution, zero speed (operational down to zero RPM)
pulse generator which requires no coupling to the shaft
for which rotational speed is being measured. The pulse
generator consists of a magnet assembly which clamps
around the shaft and a transducer assembly which mounts
in proximity to the magnet assembly. Refer to the Outline
Drawing (Figure 2) for specific dimensional information.
The Model M185 is designed for applications where
an end shaft is not available for coupling to other types
of rotary pulse generators. When the M185 is used in
conjunction with a speed measuring system like the Avtron
Model K885, it is possible to measure roll surface speed to
0.01%, with a 1 second measurement period for any shaft
speed from 60 to 3000 RPM.
8 9 0 1 E . P L E A S A N T VA L L E Y R O A D • I N D E P E N D E N C E , O H I O 4 4 1 3 1 - 5 5 0 8
T E L E P H O N E : ( 1 ) 2 1 6 - 6 4 2 - 1 2 3 0 • FA X : ( 1 ) 2 1 6 - 6 4 2 - 6 0 3 7
E - M A I L : t a c h s @ n i d e c - a v t r o n . c o m • W E B : w w w. a v t r o n e n c o d e r s . c o m
Nidec-Avtron Makes the Most Reliable Encoders in the World
Pulse Generator
OPERATING POWER .......................................................
5-15 VDC @ 30 mA
PULSES PER REVOLUTION (PPR) .................................
MAX FREQUENCY OUTPUT ...........................................
50 Hz
SPEED RANGE .................................................................
0 to 3000 RPM
OPERATING TEMPERATURE .........................................
32°F to 150° F
WAVE SHAPE .................................................................
VOLTS OUT HIGH ..........................................................
Supply Volts
VOLTS OUT LOW ...........................................................
0.5 VDC Max @ 10 mA
IMPEDANCE. ..................................................................
1.2 K pull up
10 mA sink
DUTY CYCLE. ................................................................
Normally high. Switches low
when sensing magnet.
MAGNET ASSEMBLY ....................................................
1 oz.
TRANSDUCER ASSEMBLY ...........................................
2.5 lbs.