ComTech Modem
AvL Technologies
Proprietary – Content is Subject to Change without Notice
Sensor Output
Main Window → View→ Sensor Output
Level 0
Check the boxes beside any Sensor Outputs you wish to view for monitoring operations.
Figure 7 - Sensor Output
The table below describes the Sensor Outputs relevant to this module
ComTech Detected Noise
Noise reading as reported by the AAQ
ComTech Min Lock Signal
Signal Level required for the modem to declare lock
ComTech Min Valid Signal
Signal Level required from modem for AAQ to be able to peak.
ComTechRx Lock
This flag indicating that the modem is locked on carrier.
ComTech Rx Signal
This is the indicator of signal level in SNR from the modem.
ComTech Signal Average
This is the average signal as read from AAQ
ComTech Signal Gradient
Mathematical approximation of signal change over time in coordination
with “Comtech Gradient Sample Time” config. Item as read from AAQ.