Packet Reference Manual
Classification: Avery Dennison – Public
The following non-print z ones are rec om m ended:
Left and Right
0.025 inc hes (0.6m m or 5 dots ) on either edge of the label.
Top and Bottom
0.025 inc hes (0.6m m or 5 dots ) on the leading and trailing edge of the label.
The leading edge is the edge of the label that exits the printer firs t; the trailing edge is the edge
of the label that exits the printer las t; regardles s of how the form at is des igned on the label.
R e d u ci ng I m a g i ng T i m e
Im aging tim e is the tim e it takes the printer to im age the data for the firs t label after the printer
rec eives the form at and batc h pac ket. There are s everal ways to reduc e the im aging tim e: s end
form ats and c onfigurations onc e, us e a batc h quantity of z ero, or update batc h fields .
If the form ats us e the s am e c hec k digit s c hem e, only s end the c hec k digit s c hem e onc e.
Send form ats onc e and us e the batc h update field to c hange inform ation on the label. Us ing a
batc h update field reduc es the im aging tim e, bec aus e only the fields that c hange are im aged.
All other fields rem ain the s am e as the las t queued batc h.
Us e the batc h quantity z ero m ethod when the applic ation requires operator intervention to
enter data. W hile the operator is entering data, the previous field is s ent with a batc h quantity
of z ero. The printer im ages the field, but does not print it. After the operator enters the data
for the las t field, the batc h quantity c an be s pec ified. The las t rem aining field is im aged, and
the label prints alm os t im m ediately.
To pre-im age a label:
1 .
Send the form at and a batc h header in one file. The firs t tim e the batc h header is s ent, us e
the param eter N (new batc h), and the param eter 0 for (z ero quantity).
Exam ple
{B ,1 ,N,0 | }
The printer im ages c ons tant text, line, box, and graphic fields , but does not print them .
2 .
Input data for eac h field, and s end it with a batc h header us ing the param eter U (update) and
a quantity of z ero. W hen the printer rec eives the data, it im ages the field, but does not print it.
Exam ple
{B ,1 ,U,0 |
{B ,1 ,U,0 |
2 ,"8 2 9 2 " | }
At this tim e, the printer is im aging all as s oc iated fields , inc luding fields that c opy from
other fields .
3 .
Repeat s tep 2 for eac h field exc ept the las t one.
{B ,1 ,U,0 |
3 ,"B ROADWAY" | }
{B ,1 ,U,0 |
4 ,"5 5 5 WEST OAK AVE." | }
4 .
For the las t field, input data and s end it with the quantity of labels to print. W hen the printer
rec eives input for the las t field, it im m ediately prints the labels .
Exam ple
{B ,1 ,U,10 |
5 ,"DAYTON, OHIO" | }
Содержание Monarch Tabletop Printer 2
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