Switch to auto (AF) or manual (MF) focus. The manual focus use + and – to adjust focus. Press “+” to
adjust focus to the far end and focusing on a far subject; press “-” to adjust focus to near end and
focusing on a near subject.
One push focus:
By clicking the button to adjust Lens focus automatically once.
Focus Near Limit:
Set the focus distance limit.
Manual Pan-Tilt-Zoom and Preset Speed Adjustment
Adjust the speed of manual Pan-Tilt-Zoom and Preset operation. Enable/Disable the slow mode for
manual pan-tilt operation. There are total 24 levels for manual pan-tilt speed adjustment and 2 levels
(Low/High) for zoom speed adjustment. There are 5 levels for preset speed adjustment.
Pan/Tilt Slow:
When this option is set as ON, the maximum speed of manual pan-tilt operation is 40
/sec; when this option is set as OFF, the maximum speed of manual pan-tilt operation is 100