WEB08S-TA Web Client Attendance RFID reader
3.2 Responses from HTTP server
After sending request, WEB08S-TA will wait for a response from the HTTP server. It
looks for the starting flag <AVEA> and the ending flag </AVEA>. Then it interprets the
strings in between. There must be no space between the keywords and parameters.
The maximum size of the response packet should be less than 600 bytes.
The following responses are supported:
3.2.1 HB=xxxx
Set the heartbeat rate of the reader in seconds. It is a fixed length format in decimal
value. Example:
HB=0300 set the reader send a heartbeat request to the HTTP server once in 300
HB=0000 to disable the heartbeat request.
3.2.2 BEEP=x
Make a beep sound on the reader. It is a fixed length format. Example:
BEEP=1 make a short beep.
BEEP=0 make a long beep.
Set the clock of the reader. The year must be in 2000 to 2099. It is a fixed length format
in decimal values. Example:
CK=2007-01-23 12:34:56 set the clock to 23
Jan 2007, pm12:34:56.