Phase 1 Hardware Replacement
Issue 7 November 2003
Have direct connection
If you are upgrading from Release 10 to Avaya Communication Manager,
omit this section.
If you have a direct connection between RFA and the switch and you are
upgrading from Release 9 to Avaya Communication Manager:
1. Using your RFA Job Aids, run the Features Extraction Tool (FET) from the
RFA website to create a Switch Configuration File.
2. When prompted, type in the Transaction ID number.
3. The FET creates and uploads the Switch Configuration File automatically.
4. Do not deliver the License File at this time. You will deliver and install it
later in this upgrade procedure.
No direct connection
If you are upgrading from Release 10 to Avaya Communication Manager,
omit this section.
If you do not have a direct connection between RFA and the switch and you are
upgrading from Release 9 to Avaya Communication Manager:
1. Run the Features Extraction Tool (FET) from your laptop/PC to create a
Switch Configuration File.
2. When prompted, type in the Transaction ID number.
3. Use the FET instructions to create a new switch connection profile.
4. Create the Switch Configuration File.
5. Upload the Switch Configuration File to the RFA website.
6. Deliver the License File to your laptop/PC for installation later in this