Issue 7 November 2003
Fiber Link Administration
This appendix describes the steps required to administer fiber links.
Before starting the administration process, verify the following:
1. Be sure all fiber optic transceivers and all fiber optic cables are correctly
installed on the DS1 and/or DS1 converter circuit packs.
2. Verify connections to the Lightguide Interconnect Units (LIUs) or shelves,
to the fiber multiplexers, and to the outside world. Refer to Appendix A in
Installation and Test for Multicarrier Cabinets (MCC1) in the Made Easy
Tool for DEFINITY Media Server Configurations.
Administer Fiber Links
Administer system fiber link configurations to match the hardware installed and
according to the Fiber Optic Cable Running List.
Fiber link administration interacts with or depends upon other system
features that must be administered before it.
Fiber link administration creates translation data by identifying the endpoint pairs
for each link. Endpoints can be:
An Expansion Interface (EI) circuit pack
A Switch Node Interface (SNI) circuit pack