Remove an EPN Cabinet from an Existing System
Issue 7 November 2003
Remove Fiber Links Administration (Duplex
The fiber links routing to and from the EPN cabinet being removed must be
unadministered before removing any hardware from the cabinet.
Failure to remove fiber links administration before removing hardware
causes unnecessary alarm reports to INADS and causes errors that are very
difficult to clear.
The fiber links are administered to match hardware and the Fiber Optic Cable
Running List. Fiber link administration creates translation data by identifying the
endpoint pairs for each link. To properly remove the fiber links administration:
1. Type list fiber and press
. All administered fiber connections are
displayed. Make note of the fiber links to be removed.
2. Type change fiber link and press
. The Fiber Link Administration
screen appears. On screen 1:
a. Remove the
Board Location:
information for ENDPOINT-1 and
ENDPOINT-2. This is the cabinet, carrier, and slot that identifies the
physical location of an SNI or EI circuit pack that is the first endpoint
of the fiber link. Repeat for the remaining endpoints.
b. The
Board Type
field is display only.
c. In the
DS1CONV Board Location
: field, remove the cabinet,
carrier, and slot that identifies the physical location of DS1 Converter
circuit pack in the first endpoint of the duplicate fiber link.
Endpoint-1’s duplicate along with Endpoint-2’s duplicate make up
the duplicate fiber link called the B-PNC link.
d. The
DS1CONV Board Type
: field is a display only field.
e. The
Is one endpoint remoted via a DS1 Converter
field must remain administered if other fiber connections
associated with the facility will remain.
3. Scroll to screen 2.
a. Remove the DS1 Converter Facilities information. In the
field, type no for all facilities (A, B, C, and D) to be
b. The
Bit Rate
field must remain administered.
c. The idle code in the
Idle Code MSB (1) . . . . LSB (8):
field must remain administered.
d. The data in the
Line Coding:
field must remain administered.
4. For a T1 site, proceed to
. For an E1 site, proceed to