Issue 7 November 2003
Upgrading Release 9/10r to Avaya
DEFINITY Server R Running
Avaya Communication Manager
This section provides the information necessary to upgrade the software from a
DEFINITY ECS Release 9/10r system to Avaya DEFINITY Server R running
Avaya Communication Manager. The following hardware must already be
TN1657 disk drive, Vintage 9 or later
TN2211 optical drive, Vintage 1 or later
UN332C MSSNET circuit pack, Vintage 5
UN330B Duplication Interface circuit packs, Vintage 3 or later
TN1650B memory circuit packs, any vintage, for a total of 4 per control
The procedures for this software upgrade apply to Standard, High, or Critical
reliability systems.
Read This First
Service Interruption
The upgrade process requires a non–call-preserving service interruption in a
Standard reliability system and no non–call-preserving service interruption for
High or Critical reliability systems. The service interruption must be closely
coordinated with the customer and the local account team. The service outage for
standard reliability is 2 to 15 minutes, depending on the size of the installation.