Upgrading R5si/R6si to an Avaya DEFINITY Server R
EPN running Avaya Communication Manager
Issue 7 November 2003
2. Behind control cabinet A of EPN stack 2:
a. Install a lightwave transceiver on the connector at slot 2A01.
b. Connect the other end of the fiber optic cable from the PPN to the
lightwave transceiver at slot 2A01.
c. Carefully attach the fiber optic cable (with cable ties) to the rear
covers of the EPN stack.
d. Coil up the surplus length of fiber optic cable, and place the coil
either in the cable manager or on the bottom shelf (holding the
power supply) of the PPN cabinet.
Figure 4-9.
Standard Reliability with 2 or 3 Port Networks
Figure Notes
1. Cabinet 1 PPN
2. Cabinet Stack 2 EPN 1
3. Cabinet Stack 3 EPN 2
4. From Cabinet 3 A1 to Cabinet 1 C2
5. From Cabinet 2 A2 to Cabinet 3 A2
6. From Cabinet 1 B2 to Cabinet 2 A1