7.5 Pulmonary Function
The system displays dynamic compliance monitoring, static resistance, and spirometry loops to
reflect the patient’s pulmonary function.
The system provides two spirometry loops: Paw-V (Paw-volume) loop and V- Flow (volume-flow)
loop. The scales of volume flow and Paw are adjusted automatically.
7.6 Alarm Setup
Use the Alarm setup menu to set and adjust alarm limits and to view alarm history.
See section 6.2.5 for alarm descriptions.
Set alarm limits
1. Select the [Alarms] hotkey and select the [limits 1] /[limits2]/ [limits 3] page.
2. Set upper and lower limit respectively for each parameter.
3. Exit the menu.
Chapter 8 Alarms
8.1 Introduction
Alarms are triggered by a vital sign that appears abnormal, or by a technical condition within the
Anesthetic machine. Alarms are indicated to the user by visual and audible alarm indicators.
8.2 Alarms
The anesthesia ventilator System provides alarms and messages that are indicated to the user by
visual and audible alerts. Alarms and messages appear in the alarm state area. Users can adjust
alarm properties, which include setting alarm limits to trigger alarm conditions, adjusting alarm
volume, and silencing alarms.
An audible alarm indicates an anomalous condition that may result in damage to the equipment or
injury to the patient. The cause of each alarm should be investigated and any necessary
measures taken to remove the alarm condition.
When an alarm is activated:
an audible warning sounds;
a message appears in the alarm state area if the alarm priority is highest;