2. Installation
Installing the Adapter
OneConnect OCe14000B-series Adapters Installation Manual
pub-005129 Rev. A
Figure 2-7
Secure Jumper Location J24 on OCe14102B-NT and -UT-series Adapters
Installing the Adapter
To install the adapter in the computer, perform the following steps:
1. Turn off the computer and unplug it.
2. Remove the computer case.
3. Remove the blank panel from an empty PCIe bus slot.
4. Insert the adapter into the empty x8 or x16 PCIe bus slot. Press firmly until the
adapter is seated.
5. Secure the adapter’s mounting bracket to the case with a panel screw or clip.
6. Replace the computer case and tighten the case screws.
The adapter is now installed in the server and is ready to be attached to devices.
Header J24 with jumper
installed (Secure
Firmware enabled)
To disable Secure
Firmware, remove
the jumper from J24