AUVS Germicidal UV Enclosure “UV Box” Questions
The UV Decontamination Box (KR615) is designed to decontaminate non-‐critical items, and
protect staff, visitors and patients from cross contamination with MRSA and C-‐Diff.
Plug unit into 110volt standard outlet, turn power switch on, green light
illuminates, turn knob and open door, place item to be decontaminated in box, close and turn
back the knob lock door, press red button (lights up during 55 second cycle). When red light
goes off decontamination is done. You might notice a slight Ozone smell when the cycle is
Decontamination cycle:
55 seconds, tested to kill over 99.99% of MRSA and C-‐Diff spores.
Can I put anything in the box?
Yes, will not harm electronics. Devices from smart phones, to
iPad tablets, Glucose monitors, cables and lead wires, Stethoscopes, BP Cuffs, temperature
probes, personal items, etc.
No, you cant lay things over each other in the box. If the UV light can’t hit it, can’t
decontaminate it.
How do I know the box is working?
On the front of the box is a plastic bubble that will turn
blue when the UV lights are on.
Will it work with one of the two UV lights burned out?
No the lights are wired in series so if one
light burns out the other wont come on either
Can I test the box?
Yes, there are yellow UV tabs that turn green when placed in the box and a
cycle is run.
Any maintenance?
Lights should last 16,000 hours or about 1,000,000 disinfection cycles,
that’s about 25 years with heavy use. If the chamber is very dirty, inside reflectors in the box
can be cleaned using a mixture of alcohol and water (1:1). Residues of alcohol based cleaning
products are easily wiped away with a water-‐soaked cotton cloth.
Cleaning the outside of the box?
Its aluminum, similar construction to any medical carts,
whatever you use to clean them is fine.