The informat ion conta ined in th is docu ment is the property of Automatic Syst ems and is conf ident ial . The recip ient shall refr ain from us ing it for any purpose
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of Automat ic Systems.
p. 17/33
The operations must be carried out in accordance with the safety warnings, p 4.
5.1. Start-up
Turn on the circuit breaker (23, p6).
On the control board, configure:
The choice of language (OPTIONS menu, ► “Language”) .
- The date and time (DATE & TIME menu) .
- The eventual parameter values other than default .
- Memorise the cha
nges made (MEMORY menu, ► “Save” ►MEM1 or MEM2).
Turn off the main circuit breaker, wait 10 seconds, then turn it back on.
Wait 10 seconds.
Carry out some opening and closing tests using the available controls (pushbutton box or
other). Check the proper positioning of the obstacle in open and closed position.
Check the proper workings of all the eventual options and safety measures.
5.2. Operating modes
It is an obligation to couple the obstacle with one or more traffic lights (1 light per direction of
passage), the obstacle should only be crossed when so authorised (green light).
The Stop command always has priority. Opening has priority over closing.
Removing the hatch in the central cover plate of the moving frame (3, p 5) gives access to the
elements of the obstacle’s manual controls:
52: Safety opening hatch: detector ordering the cut of the mains supply when the hatch is
53: Key for compression brake (
represented in “locked” position): when turned 90°clockwise,
the electric brake is released, lowering the obstacle.
: the crank must be disengaged (54) before releasing the electric brake (risk of
injury due to its rapid rotation).
54: Crank axle: enables the obstacle to be raise d manually, after unlocking the brake.