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SL93x + TBV327-MT-EN
p. 17/40
4.2. Position encoder
The direction of rotation and the position of the obstacle are determined by a
encoder (80), consisting of a vaned disk
that turns with the motor shaft and passes through
(81 and 82)
. This encoder does not need any adjustment.
4.3. Safety
During rotation, if the obstacle encounters an obstruction limiting its movement, it will
make several attempts to complete the current movement , after which the motor will be
powered off automatically if the resistance is still presen t (see parameter "Faults
As long as the open command is maintained, the obstacle will not close.
When a second opening command is received in the same direction while the obstacle
is closing, it will re-open immediately.
When a Fire Detection
(“FIRE”) command is received, the gate opens automatically (the
direction of opening is set by parameter "Opening CW/CCW in case of fire").
When there is a power failure, the gate is unlocked automatically and can then be
opened manually.