www.autodesk.com/caice 1
CAiCE Visual Survey 10
Visual Survey
10 software enables surveying professionals to import, process,
analyze, and present surveying data—all in one software package. Visual Survey gives you
the creation, integration, coordinate geometry (COGO), and digital terrain model (DTM)
tools of Visual CAD plus survey data import, processing, and editing features. For maximum
productivity, CAiCE Visual Survey combines these tools with powerful visualization and VBA
customization features to match the product to your workflow.
CAiCE Visual Survey supports all major survey formats. If you work with other formats, you
can easily add them using Microsoft
Visual Basic
for Applications (VBA) integration.
CAiCE Visual Survey comes with the CAiCE Project Manager, drawing import/export
capability (supporting DWG, DGN, and others), basic drafting tools, and a powerful graphics
engine. Primary features include the following:
Converts from raw survey file formats and uploads and downloads data from data
collectors. Supports more than 50 data collector and survey formats.
Preserves the value of your digital design data in a single format throughout your
business processes.
Provides a single set of commands for importing, editing, and processing all raw data for
easy integration into your workflow. As a result, you can increase your productivity and
concentrate on data quality rather than on learning a new interface for each data
Provides simple, yet powerful coordinate geometry tools for defining points, lines,
curves, spirals, and chains. The software includes numerous utilities for finding and
correcting errors that create inaccuracies in digital terrain models.
Presents survey data in both 2D and 3D and includes real-time drive-throughs of the
project area.
Offers scalability and VBA customization to meet the needs of both small businesses and
large organizations. You can customize CAiCE Visual Survey to meet your requirements
for data collection, coding standards, plans production, operations, and CAD standards.
Provides complete DTM creation, editing, and display capabilities, including draping of
raster images. The software’s DTM methodology is optimized for large data sets, such as
those encountered in transportation projects.
Features and Benefits