User Manual 650200994
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The decoder board HCS-DEC-4 is a 4 channels central unit which can be matched with any HCS
Keeloq encoded keyfob programmed with Aurel manufacturer code.
It allows to be supplied either at 12Vdc or 24Vac selectable by means of a jumper before switching
Embedded relays can work indistinctly in monostable or bistable mode according to the need.
How it works
Before switching on the board, set the jumper according to the wanted voltage supply:
Jumper closed = 10-12Vdc
Jumper open = 24-26Vac
As soon as the board is supplied, the led switches on for few instants and then switches off again,
that means the board has been correctly supplied. From now on any HCS Keeloq encoded keyfob
programmed with Aurel manufacturer code can be auto learnt following the standard procedure.
Auto learning procedure
In order to start the auto learning phase press shortly the auto learning button near the led. Led starts
blinking quickly for 10 seconds within user must emit a valid code by pressing any button.
When a valid code is received, led switchs from blinking to steadily on for few instants and then
switches off.
By pressing the 4 buttons now the relay monostable output will be switched.
Receiver can store up to 10 different transmitters.
Note: the auto learning of a 2,3 or 4 channels keyfob can be performed by pressing whatever button
as the central unit handles the data frame to allocate each channel as described hereunder: