Application functions
Application functions are functions used to adapt the actuator controls to special
applications. This includes device functions, communication functions and device
If they are enabled, these functions can be programmed by the user for his/her
specific task using parameters.
Speed functions
SAV/SARV actuators can be controlled via ACV actuator controls using individual
speed setpoints for operations in direction OPEN or CLOSE. This chapter describes
control in standard operation (operation modes Local and Remote). Settings and
behaviour in e.g. emergencies (operation mode EMERGENCY) as well as failure
behaviour (on loss of signal) are described together with the respective safety
Speed source for local operation and remote operation
The actuator speed for local operation (via local controls) and remote operation can
be provided from different speed sources. The speed can be set individually for each
operation direction (OPEN/CLOSE). The input signal of the respective speed source
can either be programmed as consistent or variable speed value.
as constant, internal value (programmable speed)
as constant, external value (via fieldbus)
as variable, external value (via analogue signal)
As a general rule, the speed source has already been set in the factory according
to the indications on the order.
Required user level:
Specialist (4)
Customer settings M0041
Speed functions M1699
Sp. source LOC OP M1700
Sp. source LOCAL CL M2039
Sp. source REM OP M1701
Sp. source REM CL M2040
Default value:
Setting values:
The actuator speed is specified externally, via fieldbus. For this, constant speed
values which may be programmed via fieldbus are provided (0 – 100 % or 0 – 1,000
per mil). For parameter configuration via fieldbus interface refer to Manual (Device
integration fieldbus).
Internal 1
Internal 4
The actuator is controlled with a constant speed. For this, four programmable internal
speed values are available. The four internal speed values are programmed via
Speed internal1 M1930
Speed internal 4 M1933
2 DigIn: "Internal (1-4)"
Speed selection via two external signals. For this setting, changing between the four
internally programmed, constant speeds (
Internal 1
Internal 4
) is possible.
Two digital inputs have to be configured as control signals for speed selection.
Analogue input
The actuator speed is specified/modified externally via an analogue value (e.g. 0 –
20 mA). An analogue input has to be defined as speed source.
Configuration of digital inputs for external speed selection
For setting of parameter
Sp. source...
2 DigIn: "Internal (1-4)"
(external speed
For the Multiport Valve product variant, the speed specifications are only made via both parameters
“Speed source LOCAL CLOSED” (M5039) and “Speed source REMOTE CLOSED” (M5040). They
are valid for both directions of rotation (counterclockwise = CCW and clockwise = CW.
Actuator controls
ACV 01.2/ACVExC 01.2 Profibus DP
Application functions