COMpact 5000/R - Firmware V6.6A - Installation, Operation and Configuration V05 03/2016
Ringing Sequence
Configuring Priority
In the case of a second call to the main group, it will be checked both for the
main group and for the subgroup whether splitting is possible (
Split Group
If this is the case, the subgroup will be considered for both calls and the
members of the subgroup will be divided among both calls.
With the variants
, a busy subscriber is skipped and the
next subscriber in line is called. With the setting
after the first loop
(all available telephones have been/are ringing once), the busy subscribers
hear the knocking tone - if allowed.
The alarm call delay time between alarm subscribers is independent of the
group ringing sequences. With the variants
, it is possible
that the last members of a group are not called because the next alarm
subscriber has already been called.
After a PBX reset/reboot, the priorities assigned in the configuration are used
Configuring Priority
If a ringer scheme with priority (see
Please select a group:
) was configured for the enabled
group, the requested order can be defined here.
Proceed as follows:
Using the configuration manager
1. Open the page
Groups > Properties > Basic settings
2. In the
list field, select the required priorities in the lines of the corresponding
group members.
Switching the Ringing Delay On/Off
If for a member of a group with configured ringing sequence
the ringing delay is enabled, in
a group call this telephone rings after the configured
Ringer delay time
Proceed as follows:
Using the configuration manager