COMfortel M-720 - Advanced Information - V01 08/2021
The following directories are available:
The (local) directory on the handset
Company directories provided over a server
Online directories made available by public providers
The local directory is always available. Which other directories are available is defined by the
base station.
Open directories
Open directories with the Directory key
Press the Directory key
(bottom of control key)
key is normally assigned as follows:
to open the selection of available online directories.
Press and
to open the local directory,
This assignment can be changed for every handset from the base station. Direct access (press
briefly) can be assigned to a specific online directory. In this case, open the local directory by
pressing and holding the Directory key .
Opening directories via the menu
Local directory:
. . . Use
to select
List of all online directories set up on the phone system
. . . Use
to select
Online Directory
The directories are shown with the names specified on the base station.
Opening the company directory using the INT key
A company directory is available if it has been set up on the base station and when the phone
system has access to this directory. The directory to open with the INT key can be set separately
for every handset.
Press the INT key
(left of control key)
It is not possible to transfer entries from the local directory to another handset.