Страница 1: ...screwdriver odjusloble treb e ond boss conlrol conirols An lniernol lrim coniro is olso provided for every chqnnel Metering A segmenl LED meier is provided for lhe mosler oulpul A power on Neon is included on lhe power switch Muting Muiing is ovoilob e vio lhe opiionol VOX operoied plug in TX30l0 or TX3O 4 precedence cords The TX3O O pro vides priority from chonne I over oll olher chonnes The TX3O...
Страница 2: ...nputs The microphone inputs shol be octive bolonced ond feolure 3 pin temole XLR sockets The line inputs sholl feqlure duql femole RCA sock els Eoch chonnel shqll include lomper resislont treble ond boss conirols An iniernol lrim pol sholl olso be included for oJl chqnnels The equqlisolion per chonnel sholl provide l2dB cui or boosi ot l00Hz ond 9dB cui or boosi oi lokHz The mosier section sholl i...