Страница 1: ...tting Hi PO Box 468 Ml Wovertey 3td9 Iel 03 562 B5tr6 ior 03 56 B78l Brisbone d2 Commerciol fld Forlilude Volley PO 8ox 871 6 ier 07 652 t3r2 tot t07lZ5Z1237 Perth 3 5d Crocker Dr Mologo 6062 P0 8ox d69 Murobooko 6061 let 0912a9 2977 tor 09 2d9 2978 Adeloide Sleiner Thomos Electrcnics 22 Compton Sl Adetode 50m PO Box 703d Hutls St 500 t Iel 081 231 6955 For 08 231 6062 New Zeqlsnd 8 Collins Sl Mom...
Страница 2: ...r treble boost or cut is required id rd idi r i 6 6i 6 ffi id d ld ffi id 6t 6 76t Ar rAr tlr rtl rl t5t rlr it Oi iO Oi Oi iO ioi iO iO actrrtt ldrll l6lll lmrll td ll l 1 lmrll t la Hno I rxoooo r EIIlnmm W l 2 3 4 5 6 7 FIGURE I FRONT VIEW FADERS ONE TO EIGHT Adjusts volume level for eoch chonnel leove ot zero when not in use BASS CONTROLS ONE TO EIGHT Adjusts low frequency EQ response for eoch...
Страница 3: ...n moins cord supplied for 240 VAC operotioi r v To chonge fuse remove power leod from socket ond open drower remove fuse ond reploce it wifh some roting fuse 5 omps 240 VAC 6 TAPE RECORDER OUTPUT SOCKETS Two RCA phono sockets provide o high level signol output for o tope recorder or other unbolonced source Moximum output is 100 mv OPTIONAL MICROPHONE INPUT TRANSFORMER Microphone inputs for this mi...
Страница 4: ...rsonnel opening rhe unir ond oi rompering wifh the internol circuitry will void fhe worronty MA E SURE POWER IS OFF BEFORE MAKING OR REMOVING CONNECTIONS ItXl _yl the_power O FF prior to connecting or disconnecting cobles This is imPortont to preveni domoge to the unit its lf os well os othlr connectea equipment HANDLE CABLES CAREFULLY Alwoys plug ond unplug cobles including connector not the cord...