VCP-010-06(-07)-x Installation & Operation Manual
Document # 540236, Rev IR, 11/2002
Page 13 of 21
7.0 Post-Installation Test
28 VDC power has been connected to the unit. The audio signal
output of the unit is generally connected to cabin speaker systems in
addition to headphone locations. Verify all connections before supplying
power to the unit.
7.2 Load the VCP-010-06(-07)-x with a videocassette tape. Use the front
panel controls or the hand-held remote control unit to select PLAY. Check
for a picture on the appropriate monitor. Verify that the audio can be
heard through the speaker and/or the headphone system.
Use the front panel controls (and the hand-held remote, if applicable) to
each of the functions; ensure that the unit rewinds, fast-forwards, stops,
pauses, and ejects as appropriate. See Section III, subsection 3.0 for
detailed descriptions of the units’ controls.
8.0 Troubleshooting
8.1 General
Check that +28 VDC power is applied to the proper pins on the unit.
Use a voltmeter to verify correct level.
Reset the unit by removing power from it for at least one (1) minute
and then reapply power.
Make certain that the video cassette is clean. If dirty cassettes are
used, it may become necessary to clean the unit with a commercial
Video Head Cleaner.
Recheck all connections to the unit for security. Check all harness
runs for possible pinching. Recheck all pinouts for application
RS-485 data bus is a bi-directional bus without a “bus controller.” The
bus uses a differential digital signal that transmits only when
commands are entered via switch selection or other system
synchronizing commands. The “A” leg of the bus is HI and the “B” leg
If the picture is unclear, too dark, or too light, press the FORMAT
button located on the VCP front panel to change video formats.
To check data bus integrity, utilizing a voltmeter, oscilloscope, or other
voltage instrument, verify proper input voltage on the data bus pins.
Typical measurements verifying proper conditions are:
A to Ground : 4.0 to 4.5 VDC
B to Ground : 0.1 to 0.2 VDC