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Step 1 - removing spark plugs:
– Release and unplug connectors -1- for ignition coils.
– Place electrical connectors slightly to one side. Make sure that
wiring is not kinked or damaged.
– Use puller - T10094 A- to pull ignition coils out of spark plug
apertures in direction of -arrow-.
– Unscrew spark plugs using spark plug socket and extension -
VAS 3122B- .
Step 2 - installing spark plugs:
– Install new spark plugs using spark plug socket and extension
- VAS 3122B- and tighten to specified torque (table
– Fit ignition coils -2- loosely into spark plug apertures and align
each with corresponding recess -1- in cylinder head cover.
– Push ignition coils evenly onto spark plugs by hand (do not
attempt to knock in coils with any kind of tool).
– Align connectors and push all connectors onto ignition coils,
making sure they engage.
Continue installation in reverse sequence.
Hydraulic system: checking fluid level
Table of test values and procedure guidelines:
Hydraulic fluid temperature: Fluid level specification:
Ambient temperature (ap‐
prox. 20 ℃)
Fluid level within area -B-.
Hydraulic fluid at operating
temperature (approx. 80 ℃)
Fluid level within area -A-.
The hydraulic fluid reservoir is located in the engine compartment.
Checking the hydraulic system for leaks is a repair measure and
should be charged separately.
• Engine switched off
• Bring front wheels into straight-ahead position.
Audi A8 2010 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 11.2014
3. Maintenance