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Cooling Output, Checking
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system -
VAS5051B- (or Vehicle Diagnosis and Service System -VAS
5052- ).
♦ A standard thermometer (for temperature measurements, if
necessary a thermometer with 2 measuring probes for simul‐
taneous measurement e.g. for temperature on the right and
Test requirements are met, refer to
⇒ “4.2.1 Cooling Performance Test Requirements“, page 79
– Measure the ambient temperature (it must higher than 15 °C).
– Close doors, hood, windows and rear lid.
– Open all dash panel vents.
– Switch ignition on.
– Start the engine.
– Switch on “Econ“ in the Climatronic control module -J255- (in‐
dicator light in
button does not light up).
– Initiate a Guided Fault Finding on the A/C system using -
VAS5051B- under "Guided Fault Finding."
– Select “read measured values block“, display group with the
measured values for the A/C compressor control and the pres‐
sure inside the refrigerant circuit and read the measured val‐
ues using -VAS5051B- under "Guided Fault Finding."
– Check the displayed measured values in the display fields with
the values for the A/C compressor regulator valve -N280- con‐
trol and the pressure inside the refrigerant circuit:
♦ The compressor is switched off, a current of 0 A (amps) to the
A/C compressor regulator valve -N280- will be displayed.
♦ The pressure in the refrigerant circuit ( high pressure sensor -
G65- measured value) is the same or greater than the valued
listed in the table at the measured ambient temperature.
Ambient Temperature in °
Pressure Display (in Bar Absolute)
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
4. Diagnosis and Testing