Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
♦ Notes for performing Guided Fault Finding on the A/C system,
⇒ “1.16 Performing Guided Fault Finding“, page 36
♦ Checking the electrical components on the A/C system, refer
⇒ “1.8 Checking Electrical Components“, page 31
♦ Components Actuated by A/C System, Electrical Test. Refer
⇒ “4.4 Components Actuated by A/C System, Electrical Test“,
♦ Refrigerant circuit, servicing, refer to
⇒ “2.11 Refrigerant Circuit, Servicing“, page 63
Refrigerant Safety Precautions
The following safety measures should be observed for these re‐
frigerants (additional guidelines apply in individual countries).
If is necessary to open the refrigerant circuit during service work,
discharge the refrigerant circuit first. Refer to
⇒ “1.17 Refrigerant Circuit, Draining“, page 36
. In doing so, the
utmost care is to be taken to avoid contact with liquid refrigerant
or refrigerant vapors. Should refrigerant nevertheless escape,
avoid inhaling the resultant refrigerant/air mixture.
Extraction systems are therefore to be switched on and use made
of both rubber gloves and protective goggles.
Intensive exposure to refrigerant on unprotected parts of the body
will result in frostbite.
Keep an eye bath on hand.
If liquid refrigerant has come in contact with your skin and eyes,
immediately flush with cool water for 15 minutes.
Then apply eye drops and consult a doctor immediately even
if no pain is felt.
The doctor must be informed, which type of refrigerant caused
the freezing.
Should refrigerant come into contact with other parts of the body
despite compliance with all the pertinent safety measures, these
are similarly to be rinsed thoroughly in cold water without delay
for at least 15 minutes.
Although refrigerant does not represent a fire hazard, smoking,
welding, soldering and brazing are not permitted in areas exposed
to refrigerant.
The high temperature of a naked flame or hot objects causes de‐
composition of refrigerant gas. Inhalation of the resultant toxic
decomposition products leads to dry coughing and nausea.
Refrigerant Circuit O-rings
♦ Always use O-rings only once, replace.
♦ Coat O-ring seals with refrigerant oil before inserting.
♦ Make sure O-rings are seated properly on pipe or in groove.
♦ Perform the work under clean conditions (even the smallest
deposit such as a hair may cause a leak).
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
1. General Information