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5.18.13 Refrigerant Lines, Disconnecting and
Connecting From Expansion Valve
After switching off the A/C compressor in this vehicle, it may take
a relatively long time for the pressure on the high pressure side
to decrease. This is because the expansion valve is cold and the
pressure on the low pressure side increases quickly after shutting
the compressor off, then the expansion valve closes and the re‐
frigerant flows slowly to the low pressure side.
– Switch off ignition.
– Discharge refrigerant circuit. Refer to ⇒ Refrigerant R134a
Servicing; Rep. Gr. 00 ; Description and Operation (A/C Serv‐
ice Station).
– Remove components which hinder access to mounting points
-A- on heat shield -B- in engine compartment. Refer to⇒ En‐
gine Mechanical; Rep. Gr. 13 ; Removal and Installation .
For the sake of clarity, the illustration shows the heat shield
-B- with the engine removed.
Depending on the engine and type of vehicle, it may be nec‐
essary to loosen or remove various engine components.
Components, that must be removed on 4 cylinder engines
The following describes removal and installation on a 2.0L TFSI
vehicle. The procedure may be different on other 4 cylinder ve‐
– Disconnect electrical connector -3- on Mass Air Flow (MAF)
Sensor -G70- .
– Open spring clips -1- and -2- and remove air guide hose from
mass airflow sensor.
– Remove front air intake from lock carrier -4-.
– Remove engine cover.
Components, that must be removed on 5 cylinder vehicles
– Remove the air guide pipe (from the air filter to the turbo‐
charger). Refer to ⇒ Fuel Injection and Ignition System; Rep.
Gr. 24 .
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
Rep. Gr.87 - Air Conditioning