GOLDENEAGLE AM 4.0.x user manual
– 07/2012
Page 42
Head Office
: Parc d’activites Kennedy - 20, avenue Neil Armstrong – F-33700 Bordeaux-Merignac (France)
Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928
– Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 –
As long as an acknowledgement has not been received, the notification is re-transmitted at the rate of once
every <d> seconds, for a maximum of <n> times; where <d> and <n> are the <Ack Timeout> and <Max
Retries> fields respectively.
If acknowledgement
does not arrive after <n> attempts, the notification will be “frozen”, that is to say, it is put
on standby until a new notification of the same type is generated. It can also be manually unblocked by using
the “Replay Traps" button.
It is important to note that untransmitted notifications are not lost. They are kept to be retransmitted as soon
as the right conditions are met. When a new notification appears, the “frozen" notification is reactivated and a
cycle of sending attempts begins again.
The alarm severity level can also be set: a specific manager action is associated with each severity level.
See Appendix A for the list of traps.
6.2.15. I/O Layout
: the user can view the type of boards (relay, digital) and their location in the
COM ports
: the console is part of the default configuration.
: configuration of the serial port for use with a modem.
: configuration of the serial port for console (terminal) access.
: non-attributed serial port (inactive).
: support port. Only used by Audemat.
: serial port configuration for tunneling.
: to use an API (Advanced Programming Interface) to communicate
with external equipment (contact the sales and support department for more
: do not use.
Before adding serial ports, please check with Audemat for compatibility.