XDS-PRO (PRO1R, PRO4R & PRO1S, PRO4S) Satellite Receivers - User Guide Rev. A R830001-2106
Confi dential & Proprietary
5.2 Play Scheduling
The Affi liate NMS is a powerful tool for managing your radio programming. From this, it is possible to create a play schedule
for your receiver. To create a station schedule, follow these steps:
Log into the Affi liate Website (see section 5.1).
When the ‘What would you like to do?’ window appears, select “View or Change my Schedules”.
Figure 20: Login Screen Initial Pop-up
Once the page loads, you will be presented with a window asking which station schedule you would like to view or
modify. If the receiver is set up with more than one station, the drop down menu can be used to navigate between
them. Once the desired station is shown in the window, click ‘OK.’
Figure 21: Station Schedule Selection
Once a station has been selected, a grid of the current week’s schedule will be shown. The week is listed in the upper
right above the schedule grid and can be changed by using the arrow links to navigate forward or backward in time.
Clicking ‘This Week’ will bring the scheduler back to the current week. The Scheduler shows a 24-hour grid broken
into one hour sections.