FLEXNET – FNER Expandable (Modular) Routing Switches – Installation & Operation Manual
7.8 Exiting Download Mode
If you “accidentally” put the MPC 128 in download mode, the only way get it out of this
mode is to either download the firmware or power cycle the MPC 128.
7.9 Firmware Upgrade Kit
A firmware upgrade kit only comes from ATX Networks service personel. A firmware upgrade kit will come as a zipped set of
files that will contain all the files needed to prepare and download new firmware to your MPC 128. Instructions on how to do
this procedure will be included in the zip file. Most upgrade kits include files to download from the Ethernet port or the serial
7.10 Firmware Download Instructions
The instructions to download firmware are always included in an upgrade kit. There are instructions for an Ethernet download
and separate instructions for a serial port download.
7.11 Firmware Download Preparation
Write down the settings for your system before you start the download process. Record all the settings under the configuration
menu and the Interface Options menu. These setings will be overwritten during a firmware download. You will also have to
recreate any user acounts, user names, and passwords. Input – Output connections will also go back to factory defaults as
A firmware download is not something that can be done in the background while the switch is operating. A firmware download
will overwrite all settings in the system. After a successsful firmware download the system settings will be set to FNER
defaults. These defaults are listed in the protocol document but listed here again for your convenience.
7.11.1 Firmware Default Settings
DHCP Off…………………………….……..Off
Static IP…………………………………...…
Static Netmask………………………………
Static Gateway…………………………..….
Telnet Port………………………………..… 23
QEC Ethernet Port………………..…………9100
Serial Port……………………………..…….RS-232 9600 baud 8N1
RS-485 Terminations…………………….…Off
Matrix Size……………………………………16
SRR Module Size….….…….………………16
SRO Size………..….………….…..………..…4
The crosspoint connections will also revert back to 1 to 1 connections. Input 1 connected to output 1, input 2 connected to
output 2, ect.
7.12 Ethernet or Serial Port Download?
If the firmware is downloaded from the Ethernet port the MPC 128 will reboot itself after completing the download. If the
download is done via serial port the power must be cycled manually after the download is complete. Both methods will
upgrade the fimware they just use different ports and methods. If for some reason your firmware is corrupted or your Ethernet
connection is not working, you can still upgrade the firmware through the serial port. The ethernet connection connected
directly to the PC ethernet card is the easiest method.
7.13 Why Download Firmware?
New firmware is continually being developed to enhance the system features, make the system easier to use or simply add
a new feature that a customer requested. These firmware upgrades when available are not ususally nesseccary but may
enable you to have more features previously not implemented on your firmware version.
If you feel you might need to upgrade your firmware, contact ATX Networks for the latest available firmware version for your
7.14 Why Is Downloading Failing?