Product Features
Technical Specification
For More Information:
or to Purchase:
(716) 691-1999
FastStream™ VT 5700
Virtual Tape Appliance
Technical Highlights
Configurable for 1 or 2
Virtual Tape Libraries
Up to 30 Virtual Tape
drives and 256 Virtual
Tapes per Library
RAID Levels 0, 1, 5, 10
with Global Hot Spares
Dual 4-Gigabit Fibre
Channel Host Interfaces
Dual 4-Gigabit Fibre
Channel Device
One-click installation
simplifies configuration
Emulation support for 15
tape libraries from
leading manufacturers
Advanced Management:
In-band via Fibre Chan-
nel, local via RS-232 or
remote via Ethernet
Field Upgradeable
Phone Home
Error Notification
O/S and platform
Blazing Fast Performance
Perform up to a total of 60 con-
current backups per FastStream
VT appliance, which allows multi-
ple servers to be backed up at
Utilizes disk storage and takes
the place of conventional tape to
deliver immediate performance
improvements to backup and
restore applications.
One-click Installation
Takes the guesswork out of
setup and installation with
preconfigured tape-library setup.
Built-in ExpressNAV™ VTL
Manager for Browser based
configuration and management
Smooth Data Streaming
SpeedWrite™ feature boosts
write performance by efficiently
managing writes between the
server and virtual tape drives.
Disk Drives are significantly more
reliable than tapes, with no
cleaning or streaming problems.
Virtual Tape Management
The FastStream VT is independ-
ent of storage, allowing the user
to increase the amount of virtual
tapes available without having to
purchase additional virtual tape
Our exclusive Advanced VTL
Capacity Expansion (AVCE™)
technology allows you to add
virtual tapes as needed, up to
256 per virtual tape library.
FastStream VT 5700
Increase Reliability, Speed of Backups
and System Restores with Virtual Tape.
The ATTO FastStream VT 5700 Virtual Tape
Appliance is a mid-range storage appliance that
emulates multiple Tape Libraries for blazing fast
backups and error free restores of all your critical
data. In addition, the ATTO RAID Virtual Tape
Appliance is available in an industry standard 1U
rack-mount or desktop enclosure.
Offering the latest in performance and connec-
tivity, the ATTO FastStream VT 5700 provides a
“one-click” installation wizard that dramatically
simplifies installation and configuration.
The ATTO FastStream VT 5700 Appliance is seen
by system applications as a conventional tape
library with high performance backup and restore
and instantaneous file access capability along with
seamless scalability. ATTO Virtual Tape delivers
immediate performance improvements to backup,
restore and archival applications. It supports
investments already made in disk storage, tape
drives and libraries as well as application
software. Keep current configurations in place
with no software, procedural or policy changes.
The ATTO FastStream Storage Appliance family
are high performance, storage agnostic, stand
alone appliances that add instant data protection
and can be seamlessly integrated into an existing
storage environment to provide blazing-fast
access to valuable assets. This means you can
add hardware RAID to use your existing direct
attached storage to ensure your data is protected
without compromising performance. Specifically
designed to provide un-tethered connectivity and
on-the-fly capacity expansion for backup environ-
ments and applications, FastStream provides a
cutting-edge storage backup solution.