User manual
Version: v4.5.2
Stray fiducials
A stray fiducial is a fiducial which was not used to reconstruct a
. The
allows to get the 3D
position of such
. The stray
may include phantom
(see definition in Section 7.9),
and the application must take care of removing them, and checking the validity of the reported positions.
Using stray fiducial positions may lead to hazardous situations, such as:
- IR transmitter, incandescent light, reflections or other IR source may be reconstructed as a stray
- There is no way to identify a stray fiducial, i.e. its id (number) may change from one frame to the next.
The application must therefore perform checks based on the position to ensure an identification of
the fiducial;
- There is no way to distinguish a real stray fiducial from a phantom fiducial, only the probability defined
in Section 7.9 is available.
Atracsys / 2020-06-17 / 16:48:00
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