important export restrictions! Commodities, products,
technologies and services contained in this manual are
subject to one or more of the export control laws and
regulations of the U.S. Government and they fall
under the control jurisdiction of either the US Depart-
ment of State or the US BIS-Department of Commerce. It
is unlawful and strictly prohibited to export, or attempt to
export or otherwise transfer or sell any hardware or
technical data or furnish any service to any foreign per-
son, whether abroad or in the United States, for which a
license or written approval of the U.S. Government is re-
quired, without first obtaining the required license or written
approval from the Department of the U.S. Government hav-
ing jurisdiction. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.
u s e r ` s g u i d e
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nIGht raven USer’S GUIDe (rev. 3, oCtoBer 2010)