22.6. Functional Description
22.6.1. Principle of Operation
XOSC32K and OSCULP32K are configured via OSC32KCTRL control registers. Through this interface,
the sub-peripherals are enabled, disabled, or have their calibration values updated.
The STATUS register gathers different status signals coming from the sub-peripherals of OSC32KCTRL.
The status signals can be used to generate system interrupts, and in some cases wake up the system
from standby mode, provided the corresponding interrupt is enabled.
22.6.2. 32KHz External Crystal Oscillator (XOSC32K) Operation
The XOSC32K can operate in two different modes:
External clock, with an external clock signal connected to XIN32
Crystal oscillator, with an external 32.768kHz crystal connected between XIN32 and XOUT32
At reset, the XOSC32K is disabled, and the XIN32/XOUT32 pins can either be used as General Purpose
I/O (GPIO) pins or by other peripherals in the system.
When XOSC32K is enabled, the operating mode determines the GPIO usage. When in crystal oscillator
mode, the XIN32 and XOUT32 pins are controlled by the OSC32KCTRL, and GPIO functions are
overridden on both pins. When in external clock mode, the only XIN32 pin will be overridden and
controlled by the OSC32KCTRL, while the XOUT32 pin can still be used as a GPIO pin.
The XOSC32K is enabled by writing a '1' to the Enable bit in the 32KHz External Crystal Oscillator
Control register (XOSC32K.ENABLE=1). The XOSC32K is disabled by writing a '0' to the Enable bit in the
32KHz External Crystal Oscillator Control register (XOSC32K.ENABLE=0).
To enable the XOSC32K as a crystal oscillator, the XTALEN bit in the 32KHz External Crystal Oscillator
Control register must be set (XOSC32K.XTALEN=1). If XOSC32K.XTALEN is '0', the external clock input
will be enabled.
The XOSC32K 32.768kHz output is enabled by setting the 32KHz Output Enable bit in the 32KHz
External Crystal Oscillator Control register (XOSC32K.EN32K=1). The XOSC32K also has a 1.024kHz
clock output. This is enabled by setting the 1KHz Output Enable bit in the 32KHz External Crystal
Oscillator Control register (XOSC32K.EN1K=1).
It is also possible to lock the XOSC32K configuration by setting the Write Lock bit in the 32KHz External
Crystal Oscillator Control register (XOSC32K.WRTLOCK=1). If set, the XOSC32K configuration is locked
until a Power-On Reset (POR) is detected.
The XOSC32K will behave differently in different sleep modes based on the settings of
XOSC32KCTRL.ENABLE=0, the XOSC32K will be always stopped. For XOS32KCTRL.ENABLE=1, this
table is valid:
Table 22-1. XOSC32K Sleep Behavior
CPU Mode
Sleep Behavior of XOSC32K and CFD
Active or Idle
Always run
Active or Idle
Run if requested by peripheral
Always run
Atmel SAM L22G / L22J / L22N [DATASHEET]
Atmel-42402E-SAM L22G / L22J / L22N_Datasheet_Complete-07/2016