Changing Packages
The packages to be installed on the root file system can be customized by altering aiotg3_resources/resources/packages.
One package name is written per line. Please use package names in the form that can be correctly used as the argument
to "apt-get install" on Armadillo-IoT G3.
If an incorrect package name is specified, the following error message is displayed in the build log and the archive is
generated without the package.
E: Unable to locate package XXXXX
Figure 7.2. Error Message when Incorrect Package Name Specified
Other packages that the package depends on are automatically installed by the apt
command without needing to specify them. Also, packages that form the base of
Debian GNU/Linux such as apt and dpkg are also automatically installed.
The packages include the lua and ruby interpreters and a web server (lighttpd). If
they are not required just delete each package's line.
For packages such as openssh-server that automatically generate private keys when
installed, as a general rule do not add them to the packages and instead use "apt-get
install" to install them separately after starting Armadillo.
If openssh-server is added to packages, it will be possible to log in to all Armadillo
which the built root file system archive is written to using a single public key. If
intentionally using the same secret key for multiple Armadillo, understand that it
can lead to vulnerabilities and take appropriate measures before using it.
Armadillo-IoT Gateway G3Product Manual - INTL
Build Procedure