Dynamic IP (DHCP )
Conf igurat ion Proce dure s :
I nt e rne t conne ct ion Type :
Selec t
Dynam ic I P
( DHCP) .
Clic k
to s ave your s ettings .
Pl e as e n ote :
A wr ong/im pr oper MT U v alue m ay caus e Inter net com m unication pr oblem s . For
exam ple, you m ay be unable to acces s cer tain webs ites , fr am es within webs ites , s ecur e login
pages , or FT P or PO P s er v er s .
T he MT U ( max imum tr ans m is s ion un it) is the lar ges t data pac ket a netw or k dev ic e
tr ans mits . T he nor mal MT U va lu e f or mos t Ether net netw or ks is 1500 bytes , or
1492 bytes f or PPPoE c onnec tions . For s ome I SPs , you might need to c hange the
MT U. T h is is r ar e ly r equ ir ed, and s hou ld not b e done un les s you ar e s ur e it is
nec es s ar y f or your I SP c onnec tion. When one netw or k devic e c ommunic ates ac r oss
the I nter net w ith another, the dat a pac kets tr avel thr ough man y dev ic es along the
w ay. I f a devic e in the data path has a s maller MT U va lue than the other d ev ic es ,
Содержание AMW-DBR 1200AC
Страница 1: ...AMW DBR 1200AC Wireless AC1200 Dual band Router User Guide AtlasMediaCo com ...
Страница 47: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 45 Click Add Select or enter your wireless MAC address and click Save ...
Страница 84: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 82 Appendix 1 Configure PC TCP IP Settings Windows 7 1 Click Start Control Panel ...
Страница 85: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 83 2 Click Network and Internet 3 Click Network and Sharing Center ...
Страница 86: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 84 4 Click Change adapter settings 5 Click Local Area Connection and select Properties ...
Страница 87: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 85 6 Select Internet Protocol Version 4 TCP IPv4 and click Properties ...
Страница 88: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 86 7 Select Obtain an IP address automatically and click OK ...
Страница 89: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 87 8 Click OK on the Local Area Connection Properties window ...
Страница 91: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 89 2 Click Network and Internet 3 Click Network and Sharing Center ...
Страница 99: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 97 3 Select the wireless network and click Remove network ...