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Содержание AMW-DBR 1200AC
Страница 1: ...AMW DBR 1200AC Wireless AC1200 Dual band Router User Guide AtlasMediaCo com ...
Страница 47: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 45 Click Add Select or enter your wireless MAC address and click Save ...
Страница 84: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 82 Appendix 1 Configure PC TCP IP Settings Windows 7 1 Click Start Control Panel ...
Страница 85: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 83 2 Click Network and Internet 3 Click Network and Sharing Center ...
Страница 86: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 84 4 Click Change adapter settings 5 Click Local Area Connection and select Properties ...
Страница 87: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 85 6 Select Internet Protocol Version 4 TCP IPv4 and click Properties ...
Страница 88: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 86 7 Select Obtain an IP address automatically and click OK ...
Страница 89: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 87 8 Click OK on the Local Area Connection Properties window ...
Страница 91: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 89 2 Click Network and Internet 3 Click Network and Sharing Center ...
Страница 99: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 97 3 Select the wireless network and click Remove network ...