Installation and Operation Manual
Document #9620-20-c-vb12m vb13m vb12t-05
Pinnacle Park
1031 Goodworth Drive
Apex, NC 27539
Tel: 919.772.0115
Fax: 919.772.8259
Email: [email protected]
C - 11
2.3 Utility Schematic
Refer to
Section 8—Drawings
of this manual for customer interface and wiring details for the VB12-M,
VB13-M, and VB12-T modules.
3. Operations
This Recommended Sequence of Operations procedure is to be used as a general guide when programming a
robot or PLC for use with a Tool Changer and VB12-M, VB13-M, and VB12-T control/signal modules. This
procedure is intended for "automatic" modes used during normal application processes.
3.1 Recommended Sequence of Operation
The robot and Tool Changer Master are free of the stand or storage location, the
Tool Changer is uncoupled and the Tool Changer locking mechanism may be fully-
retracted (unlocked condition) or fully-extended (missed Tool condition, i.e.,
inputs are false). The Tool is by itself in the Tool Stand.
a. The
input is false.
b. The ATI Tool and any downstream device is offline.
2. Unlock the Master. (This must be done prior to the Master entering the Tool to prevent the
ball bearings from impinging on the Tool bearing race.)
a. The
output command is made false and the
output command is made
b. The
input goes true and remains true, indicating that the Tool Changer
locking mechanism is fully retracted and the
operation is complete.
3. Robot and Master move into the Tool and are parallel and within 0.15” to 0.06” of the Tool
(i.e., the module contact pins are touching, but the
sensors have not yet sensed the
targets on the Tool).
a. Power and I/O connections with downstream devices are established.
4. Robot and Master move within 0.06” of the Tool.
a. The
input is true, indicating that it is okay to couple the Tool.
5. Couple the Tool Changer.
a. The
output is made false and the
output is made true.
b. The
input goes false a short time later, indicating piston travel.
Subsequently, the
input goes true and remains true, indicating that the
coupling operation is complete.
6. Robot moves away from the Tool Stand with the Tool Changer coupled.
All pneumatic fittings and tubing must be capable of withstanding the
repetitive motions of the application without failing. The routing of electrical and
pneumatic lines must minimize the possibility of over stressing, pullout, or kinking the
lines. Failure to do so can cause some critical electrical and/or pneumatic lines not to
function properly and may result in injury to personnel or damage to equipment.