Using the ATI All-In-Wonder Card
Filename: h3adaaaWW.doc Title: Addendum [3-column 3 + pages]
Template: HP-Print2K.dot Author: billm Last Saved By: JimL
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Using the ATI
All-In-Wonder Card
— lea esto primero —
Uso de la tarjeta
ATI All-In-Wonder
Utilisation de la carte
ATI All-In-Wonder
De ATI All-In-Wonder
kaart gebruiken
Bruke ATI All-In-Wonder-
Using the ATI
All-In-Wonder Card
Your PC comes with the ATI
card. This preinstalled TV tuner,
video capture and graphics card
comes with the necessary cables
and remote control, located in the
ATI kit, included with your PC.
Your All-In-Wonder card also
comes with the ATI Multimedia
software, which is preinstalled on
your PC.
The ATI kit includes an
adapter to connect a VGA
monitor to the digital video input
port on your All-In-Wonder card
on the back of the PC. You
cannot connect a standard VGA
monitor without this adapter.
The All-In-Wonder card, and the
ATI Multimedia Center software,
provide 2- and 3-dimensional
graphic capability with multimedia
features that allow you to:
Watch and pause live TV, DVDs
and videos on your PC.
Capture, record, and play back
analog video from your TV, VCR
and camcorder.
Organise video and audio files
into a media library.
Play games and music CDs.