® Copyright ATH-Heinl GmbH & Co. KG, 2012, All rights reserved. / Misprints and technical changes reserved / Stand: 10/2013
Lubrication schedule
Oil or type of grease
Lifting chain
Chain lubrication chain
Bolts from lifting chain
Multi-purpose grease
Slide ways
Multi-purpose grease
¼ Annually
Synchronization ropes
Adhesive Grease
Arm restraint device
‘ bolts and safety notches
Multi-purpose grease
Maintenance and service instructions
Oil level control
1. Lower the lift completely
2. Remove the tank cap with integrated oil dipstick
3. Control the oil level on the oil dipstick
Oil change
1. Lower the lift completely
2. Remove the tank oil drain plug
3. Carefully Remove the tank oil drain plug screw and drain the oil in a suitable retainer
Clean with attention the oil tank and the oil filter to prevent a premature contaminate of the hydraulic oil.
4. After the completely oil draining seal the oil tank with the oil drain plug screw.
5. Fill the oil tank with new oil.
6. Raise and lower the lift and check if the maximum lifting height is still correct. Carefully refill, if necessary.
The used oil has to be disposed of in accordance with all legal and federal requirements.
Hydraulic system bleeding
For venting of the hydraulic circuit leave the Tank cap for the first 10 lifting movements opened.
Lower the lift completely and keep pressed the push button „DOWN „approximately 15 seconds so that the hydraulic
system will be completely de-aired.