© 2019, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
Scheduler enable/disable: Enable/disable the scheduler function.
Today: Click to go back to the area which displays the today's schedule.
Day/week/month: Choose from the three types of display window template on scheduler. The
default window is Month.
Load Excel file: Click to load an excel sheet with the listed events you want to create on
Excel file example: The listed events on the excel sheet must be followed by the order. Click to
download the excel file of examples.
Agenda: Switch to [Agenda] template for editing schedules. Add/edit/delete
Add: Double click the date you wish to add a event, then the Event window will be opened.
Edit: Double click the event you wish its parameters to be modified.
Delete: Double click the event you wish to delete first, and click [Delete] button to delete it.
Enable: Enable/disable this event.
Start date: Click the date to open a calendar window, and select a date to start this schedule
Event: Display which event is affiliated to the schedule action, see
for more details.
Description: Memo area.
Repeat event: Enable/disable the [Repeat Event] function.
Repeat event: The event can be repeatable by daily, monthly, weekly and yearly. The weekly
option has days of the week activation options, see the picture below.
Time: Add/remove the activation time. The format is HH:MM.