ATEC GmbH • Brenzstraße 24 • 89518 Heidenheim- Germany
T49 7321 / 277777 • Fax +49 7321 / 277778
Operating Instructions
1 General
2 Safety Aspects
3 Product Description and Range of Application
4 Design Features
5 Operation
6 Transport
7 Storage
8 Installation
9 Commissioning
10 Operation and Application
11 Maintenance
1 General
The technical data of the order are binding for the type of design. Modifications can only be considered if they are specified to us in time
before starting production. Every ATEC PENSTOCK ECOTEC is checked for completeness, performance, and tightness before leaving
the factory.
In case of non-compliance with these Operating Instructions, we cannot be made liable for any damages or troubles resulting thereof. We
reserve the right to technical modifications as against the data and representations contained in these Operating Instructions in case this
should be necessary for improving the ATEC PENSTOCK ECOTEC.
2 Safety Aspects
The ATEC PENSTOCK ECOTEC is reliable and designed to the state of the art. However, risks could be involved if the Penstock is
handled in an inexpert manner by untrained staff and not used in accordance with its duty and purpose. Whoever is engaged in mounting,
operation and maintenance, inspection and repair of the ATEC PENSTOCK ECOTEC, is supposed to have read the complete Operating
Instructions and to have understood them (VBG1 § 14 and following). The user is recommended to have the person involved confirm this
fact in writing in each particular case (VGB1 § 7 Abs. 2).
Before removing safety devices and/or carrying out work on the ATEC PENSTOCK ECOTEC, the section, the pit or reservoir must be
drained and dried eliminating any risk. Unauthorized, erroneous, and unexpected operation as well as dangerous movements by
accumulated energy (compressed air, compressed water, weights, hydraulic energy) have to be excluded.
When using ATEC PENSTOCK ECOTEC the approved technical regulations have to be observed (DIN, DVGW, VDI, VDMA, etc.). For
installations to be supervised the relevant rules and regulations have to be observed (GO, VBG, TRD, SR, TRG,TRbF, TRGL, TRAC, AD,
etc.). Furthermore, the local safety regulations and rules for prevention of accidents are applicable.
If work is carried out in the vicinity of the ATEC PENSTOCK ECOTEC, which leads to soiling (concrete work, masonry, painting,
shotblasting, welding, and grinding work, etc.).
3 Product Description and Range of Application
The ECOTEC PENSTOCK is a four-facing type penstock suitable for isolating, throttling, and regulating for installation at and into reservoir
and pit inlets and outlets.
The standard ECOTEC PENSTOCK is applicable for the following operating
150 x 150 up to 1200x1200 / pressure up to 4mWc on both directions in standard design
4 Design Features
Frame of rolled steel sections
Door with suspension for stem nut or extension rod
Slide rails, lip profile and invert seals
For anchor-bolting or for grouting
Pressure-tight on both sides (for on-seating and off-seating)
Combinable with various types of drives