[ F7 ]
Config Screen. Use this function key to return to the Configuration
[ F8 ]
Agent Directory.
Press this function key to return to the Agent Directory
screen if you need to refer to or change agent information. Press
[ F7 ]
“Config Splits” ) on the Agent Directory screen to return to the Configure
Splits screen.
Administering Line Group Options
You can administer your CMS to use any, some, or all of the following line
group options when handling incoming calls:
Answer Delay
Force Delay
Automatic after-call-work (ACW)
If an agent is not available when a call first rings, CMS lets the call continue
to ring for a certain number of seconds before it answers the call and connects
it to the voice announcement unit. The number of seconds calls ring before
CMS answers them is called the answer delay. You should use CMS for a
few days before you change the answer delay from its initial setting of five
Think of answer delay as a trade-off between the time a customer spends
listening to ringing and the time the customer spends on hold. You can set a
different answer delay value for each line group, depending on the type of
lines in the group and the amount of time the caller is likely to wait before an
agent is available.
Consider these factors when choosing an answer delay value for a line group:
Someone begins paying for a call as soon as CMS answers it. If calls are
likely to wait on hold before an agent is available, increasing the answer
delay value will decrease time on hold and the cost of the call.
You can increase the answer delay if you know callers have to wait for an
agent. Callers may be less likely to hang up if they wait longer for CMS
to answer but spend less time on hold.
administer Answer Delay, do the following:
From the Configuration screen, press
[ F2 ]
(labeled “Line Groups”), A box
appears around the Line Group Options portion of the screen and the
Line Group Options function keys are displayed.
[ F1 ]
(labeled “Answer Delay”) and the editing function keys appear
with this prompt:
ANSWER DELAY: Group Letter: _ How Many Seconds: —
Enter a group letter (A-D).
4-12 Building or Editing Shift Configurations