Power level settings
Because the settings depend on the quantity and composition of the contents of the pan, the table
below is intended as a guideline only.
Use settings 1 - 5 to:
simmer bouillon
stew meats
simmer vegetables
melt chocolate
melt cheese
Use settings 6 - 9 to:
complete the cooking of large quantities
defrost hard vegetables
fry thick slices of breadded meat
Use settings 10 - 11 to:
fry thick pancakes
fry thick slices of breadded meat
fry bacon (fat)
cook raw potatoes
make breadded fish
cook through fish
fry thin slices of breadded meat
Use setting 12 to:
sear meats,
cook fish,
cook omelettes,
fry boiled potatoes,
deep fry foods.
Use setting 'boost' to:
bring the food or liquid to the boil quickly
shrink greens
Power distribution of cooking zones
Depending on the type of hob, the cooking zones can affect each other. When several of these
cooking zones are switched on at the same time, the capacity is shared automatically between
When the maximum capacity of the combination of cooking levels is reached during setting, one
or more zones are automatically reduced to the highest possible setting at that moment. This is
indicated by the flashing of the relevant control element.