Asentria SiteBoss 571 UserManual
Page 34
Username / Password
These two options set the login credentials that are able to access the remote FTP server (maximum length
Username is 126 chars) (maximum length Password is 31 chars).
This field is a third login option used only on some FTP servers. Consult your network administrator to see if this is
necessary (maximum length 126 chars).
The Directory is the path to which the file(s) is transferred. If this option is left blank the file is transferred to the
root directory (maximum length 253 chars).
Minutes Between Push Attempts
This field sets the number of minutes (1 to 9999) between FTP push attempts. The default setting is 1440
Select Files to Push
displays the FTP File Selection menu where you can select which files are pushed by
toggling ON or OFF. The default setting for all is ON, except for Audit Log, which is OFF.
SiteBoss 571 - FTP File Selection
A) Data File 1 [ON]
. . .
P) Data File 16 [ON]
Q) Events File [ON]
R) Audit Log [OFF]
Remote File Names
This menu option displays the FTP File Names menu where you can give each file a name other than the default
name, and/or prepend a date, time, and unique sequence # to the file name.
SiteBoss 571 - FTP File Names
A) Include Date in Filename [OFF]
B) Include Time in Filename [OFF]
C) Include Sequence #s in Filename [OFF]
D) Data File 1 [FILE1]
. . .
S) Data File 16 [FILE16]
T) Events File [EVENTS]
Include Date / Time in Filename
These are an ON/OFF toggle to enable the addition of the file transfer date and/or time to the beginning of the
name of each transferred file of data. Default setting is OFF.
Include Sequence #s in Filename
This is an ON/OFF toggle to enable the addition of a unique sequence number to the beginning of the name of
each transferred file of data. This ensures that no two transfers will have the same file name. The default setting
is OFF.
Data File
/ Events File
These fields are text-entry fields where the name each data file will have on the remote server (not including any
date, time, or sequence numbers) can be configured.
PPP Settings
The PPP Settings menu tree is used for configuring the settings for an optional Dialout POTs modem card.