Ascotel® IntelliGate® 2025/2045/2065 as of I7.9
Operation and Maintenance
– I7.
– 1
6. 4
Generation Change
Ever since it was first introduced in 1988, the system has undergone a number of
further developments. The PBX hardware, among other things, was entirely rede-
signed at the time of the generational change to I5. It is therefore not possible to
upgrade or expand an older system to I5 or a more recent version. All existing ex-
pansion cards and terminals can still be used on the systems of a new generation.
A generation change always requires new software and in some cases new hard-
ware, too (RAM card and/or flash card).
The upgrade is carried out with a version transfer, i.e. the configuration data are all
re-used. This can also be done remotely.
If a generation change requires more memory, the RAM card and/or the flash card
have to be replaced. If so, upgrade can only be carried out on site.
Ascotel® IntelliGate® Net:
With the generation change from I6.x (x<5) to I6.5 or later Ascotel® Intelli-
Gate® systems can be networked in an AIN with a Master and up to 40 sat-
ellites. However this requires at least the AIN basic licence and as of the
second satellite additional AIN upgrade licences. For a detailed descrip-
tion of the procedure for upgrading to an Ascotel® IntelliGate® Net please
refer to the AIN System Manual.