TD 92232GB
2005-06-15 / Ver.G
Installation Guide
4.15 Clock Synchronisation and Time Settings
The clock in different ELISE2 modules can be set from the web browser, A-bus (i.e. Central
Unit in System 900) or a time server. To be able to synchronise the clocks in different
ELISE2 modules a time server has to be used. Depending on software application and
licence, an ELISE2 can be used as time server. An external time server supporting the
Network Time Protocol (NTP) can also be used. Normally the ELISE2 that is used as time
server synchronises with an external time server, and then all other ELISE2 use that ELISE2
as the time server.
To select time source do as follows:
Open the administration pages of the ELISE2 by entering "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/admin" in
the address field in the web browser.
Click on "Settings" in the left menu.
Select time source; Web browser, A-bus or Time server.
Not all system’s Central Unit can provide the time.
Independent of time source the ELISE2 can handle different time zones and adjust the
clock according to daylight saving time.
The date and time format controls the appearance of date and time in log views and
application specific pages. The administration pages that are common to all ELISE2 will
display date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD, HH:MM:SS (for example
2000-01-31 13:30:00). This format for date and time will also be used in exported log
An ELISE2 can also set the time in connected systems, for example System 900. In this
case, the ELISE2 will send its time to the connected system once every 24-hour period and
when the time is updated.
To set the time in System 900 from the ELISE2 do as follows:
On the time settings page, enter when the ELISE2 should send its time to System
900 in the "Time push time" field.
Click "Setup System 900 time".
Select "Yes" in the "Set time in System 900".
Setting time in other carrier systems is done similarly. If several carrier systems are
available, the time will be sent at the same time to all systems.
Time Synchronization
It can take a few seconds to synchronize the date and time during start up. It also takes a
few seconds if the server parameters changes to another server.
When the time is changed in the time server it takes different long time to synchronize the
time, depending on how the modules are set up and how they are connected together. If
a module does not have a time server licence, it takes about 15 minutes to update its
clock. A module with a time server licence takes about 30 minutes to update.