8.6. Metronome (Shift + Sync)
Under the Sync button is the word "Metronome". The blue writing means this is a secondary
Shift function, and you'll probably use it often while creating your own sequences. To toggle
the Metronome on and off, hold Shift and press the Sync button.
8.7. Tempo
Use the Tempo knob to control the tempo of the sequence or arpeggio. The Tap button can
also be used. The tempo can be set between 30-240 bpm (beats per minute).
The MIDI Control Center allows you to choose how the Tempo knob responds when it is
turned: either immediately (Jump mode) or after you pass through the current value (Hook
mode). To learn more, see the
8.8. Tap
button allows you to set the tempo of the active sequence or arpeggio “on the fly”.
All you have to do is tap it in time with the music. The number of taps it takes to adjust the
tempo can be defined in the
8.9. Time Division
The Time Division setting determines the rhythmic value of the selected sequence track
and the Arpeggiator. Four settings are available, and each track can have its own setting
(depending on its Type). The Arpeggiator value is shared with the Pitch track.
Shift + Sync toggles the
Arturia - User Manual MiniBrute 2S - Seq / Arp: shared features