11.3.6. Hold mode
To activate Hold mode, press the Shift button and then press the Arp / Loop button. The On
button will flash to indicate that Hold mode is active.
When Hold mode is engaged you can lift your fingers off the pads and the arpeggio will
keep playing. It will keep running until you play another note, at which point the new note(s)
will become a new arpeggio.
You may
add up to 16 notes to your arpeggio [p.132]
as long as you continue to hold down at
least one pad. The notes you play will be added to the arpeggio at the nearest time division
The same rule applies with large arpeggios: once you release all of the pads the arpeggio
you have constructed will continue to run until you play another pad.
: The original arpeggio is not held in memory when the status of the On button is toggled. Some notes about transposition
An active arpeggio cannot be transposed. To construct an arpeggio with higher or lower
notes, change the octave range of the pads and play the notes you want the arpeggio to
Using the pads to transpose a pattern chromatically does not change the tuning of the pads,
and so it does not affect the Arpeggiator.
: If you like a certain arpeggio and want to be able to transpose it, record it into a pattern and then
transpose the pattern. …and a note about Scales
The Scale you've selected for the pads
change the notes assigned to the pads, and
makes only those notes available to the Arpeggiator. The Scale selection also affects the
notes being played by a Held arpeggio.
Arturia - User Manual MiniBrute 2S - Arpeggiator basics